Executive Presence

Still Don’t Know What Executive Presence Means? We Have You Covered

Executive presence is an element of leadership that is easy to recognize but difficult to develop. In fact, in a recent study by the Center for Talent Innovation, it was found that feedback on executive presence is often contradictory and confusing, and that 81% of those who are instructed to improve their executive presence are unclear on how to act on it.

For instance, can you relate to any of the situations below?

• You have been passed up for an executive level promotion—even though your record demonstrates that you are smart enough and capable enough. No one can put a finger on exactly what the issue is, but it is enough to hold you back.

• Your boss or someone higher in the food chain has mentioned to you that, “you might consider improving your executive presence.” You walk away thinking to yourself, ok, now what?

• You are a manager with a team member who you know has the capability to shine but is struggling to find their voice. How do you help them?

Having spent the last 20 years helping executives develop executive presence, I have found the process to be something that people (regardless of gender, industry, country, and culture) struggle to understand and develop… read more

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Mastering Executive Presence

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Tuesday, June 25, 2024 – 11 – 12.30 EST

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