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Leading from Your Best Self

As a performer turned executive presence coach, I’ve spent my career exploring how physical and vocal presence can transform leadership. Drawing from my experience in the performing arts and my work with business leaders, I’ve seen firsthand how developing these skills can help emerging leaders project confidence, authority, and authenticity.

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Leadership Lessons from American History

As the 4th of July approaches, bringing with it a wave of patriotic celebrations and backyard BBQs, it’s the perfect backdrop to spark reflections on the leaders who shaped America. Imagine George Washington or Abraham Lincoln joining your family cookout—what leadership qualities would they bring to the table?

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The Art of Improvisation

Improvisation, a skill honed by performers, can significantly enhance a leader’s decision-making and flexibility. As an entertainer turned executive presence coach, I’ve studied how the principles of improvisation can be applied to business leadership.

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Mastering Public Speaking

Public speaking is a critical skill for business leaders. Whether you’re presenting to a board, leading a team meeting, or speaking at a conference, your ability to communicate effectively can significantly impact your success.

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The Power of Authenticity

Genuine leaders foster trust, inspire loyalty, and drive team performance. Drawing from my experience as an entertainer turned executive presence coach, I’ve seen how authenticity can transform leadership.

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Leading with Renewal

As the world around us blossoms into spring, it’s not just nature that’s undergoing transformation. This season of renewal and fresh beginnings is the perfect backdrop for leaders looking to inspire their teams and refine their leadership approach.

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Supercharge Your Sales Team

We all know the current business landscape is hyper-competitive, so maximizing your sales team productivity is essential for driving growth and achieving organizational success.

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Unlocking the Psychology of Executive Presence

Executive presence is more than just a buzzword; it’s a vital component of effective leadership in today’s business landscape. While it’s often described as a combination of confidence, poise, and charisma, the psychology behind executive presence runs much deeper.

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