Leading from Your Best Self

As a performer turned executive presence coach, I’ve spent my career exploring how physical and vocal presence can transform leadership. Drawing from my experience in the performing arts and my work with business leaders, I’ve seen firsthand how developing these skills can help emerging leaders project confidence, authority, and authenticity.

Leadership Lessons from American History

As the 4th of July approaches, bringing with it a wave of patriotic celebrations and backyard BBQs, it’s the perfect backdrop to spark reflections on the leaders who shaped America. Imagine George Washington or Abraham Lincoln joining your family cookout—what leadership qualities would they bring to the table?

The Art of Improvisation

Improvisation, a skill honed by performers, can significantly enhance a leader’s decision-making and flexibility. As an entertainer turned executive presence coach, I’ve studied how the principles of improvisation can be applied to business leadership.

Mastering Public Speaking

Public speaking is a critical skill for business leaders. Whether you’re presenting to a board, leading a team meeting, or speaking at a conference, your ability to communicate effectively can significantly impact your success.

The Power of Authenticity

Genuine leaders foster trust, inspire loyalty, and drive team performance. Drawing from my experience as an entertainer turned executive presence coach, I’ve seen how authenticity can transform leadership.

Leading with Renewal

As the world around us blossoms into spring, it’s not just nature that’s undergoing transformation. This season of renewal and fresh beginnings is the perfect backdrop for leaders looking to inspire their teams and refine their leadership approach.

Supercharge Your Sales Team

We all know the current business landscape is hyper-competitive, so maximizing your sales team productivity is essential for driving growth and achieving organizational success.

Unlocking the Psychology of Executive Presence

Executive presence is more than just a buzzword; it’s a vital component of effective leadership in today’s business landscape. While it’s often described as a combination of confidence, poise, and charisma, the psychology behind executive presence runs much deeper.

Building Authentic Executive Presence: Beyond Bias to True Leadership

The traditional interpretation of executive presence, with its focus on confidence, communication, and charisma, is undeniably valuable. Yet, it’s imperative to question: Are we overlooking the rich tapestry of leadership qualities by adhering too rigidly to these criteria?

5 Theatrical Techniques to Boost Sales Team Synergy

Unlocking your team’s full potential in sales requires more than just understanding products and markets. It calls for a cohesive team that communicates effectively, empathizes with clients, and adapts swiftly to changing scenarios.

Storytelling in Sales Leadership: The Art of Authentic Influence

Still Don’t Know What Executive Presence Means? We Have You Covered.

Executive presence is an element of leadership that is easy to recognize but difficult to develop. In fact, in a recent study by the Center for Talent Innovation, it was found that feedback on executive presence is often contradictory and confusing, and that 81% of those who are instructed to improve their executive
presence are unclear on how to act on it.

Top 10 Tips for Selling in a Virtual World

In today’s digital era, the art of selling has transformed dramatically. The once common face-to-face interactions have been largely replaced by virtual meetings and digital communication.

The Art of Self Promotion Without Being Self-Promoting

As an executive coach, I work with my clients to help them clarify what they truly want and then assist them in getting from where they are to where they want to be. Part of this
process involves identifying the ‘blockers’ or barriers that are in the way. From year-to-year I find certain themes surfacing among my
clients. One that seems to be coming up recently is the notion of self-promotion.

It is important for us to promote ourselves in a positive light and highlight our best skills and experiences. But how do we do this without being too self-promoting?

Executive Presence

Developing Leaders

Still Don’t Know What Executive Presence Means? We Have You Covered.

Executive presence is an element of leadership that is easy to recognize but difficult to develop. In fact, in a recent study by the Center for Talent Innovation, it was found that feedback on executive presence is often contradictory and confusing, and that 81% of those who are instructed to improve their executive
presence are unclear on how to act on it.

Communicating Through the Cracks

Communicating Through the Cracks

Does it seem sometimes like you are shouting your ideas from the bottom of a well, and no one is listening or even cares? Are you afraid to offer an alternate opinion or point of view because of the fear of being demeaned or ostracized? Do you find the voice in your head saying, “I […]

The Art of Building Resilience


Don’t assume your employees know how to process failure on their own. Resilience and adaptability are critical skills for leading change A Japanese proverb says, “Fall down seven times, stand up eight.” But resilience is a learned art. As a senior leader, you have the power to help aspiring leaders get there. One task of […]

How “The Actor’s Secret” Can Help You Improve your Presentations

Training Magazine

Have you ever attended a live theater performance and left thrilled and energized by the experience? Have you ever wondered how the actors and performers on stage are able to bring that level of vitality and focus to every show? As executives and training professionals who are presenting and communicating day in and day out, […]

Make a choice to switch to a positive feeling

As an actor and performing artist, I have worked for many years to understand how my emotions show up on my face and in my body. As a sales executive, I didn’t think about how my emotions appeared. I’d get caught up in whatever was going on that day – deadlines, time crunches, to-do lists, […]

Most Hated to Most Admired: Tips on Transforming as a Leader

William, a cardiac surgeon, while enrolled in an MIT program took a position in a new hospital as a medical director of a department. This meant he would need to split his time between the operating room (OR) and overseeing the activities on the floor. This was something he had been considering for some time. […]

MIT Sloan Executive Education innovation@work Blog

MIT Article

Robert Salafia says transformation is possible Rob Salafia is a Master Executive Coach at the MIT Leadership Center and part of the Executive Education coaching cadres for our Advanced Management Program (AMP), the Global Executive Academy, Executive MBA Program, and MIT Sloan Fellows. With two decades of experience as a top leadership development executive and an established career in […]

Alumnus draws on performing arts career to develop leadership strategies

In a new book, Rob Salafia ’76 shares skills developed on the stage  By Jim Keogh When he performed on the streets of Boston, Rob Salafia ’76 was learning how to establish his presence in front of an audience. When he walked across a wire onstage, he was navigating through his fear and finding his […]

You Might Consider Improving Your Executive Presence

Executive presence is an element of leadership that’s easy to recognize but difficult to develop, but might be the difference in your career progressing forward. Today’s post is by Rob Salafia, a principal at thoughtLEADERS and author of Leading from Your Best Self (CLICK HERE to get your copy). Executive presence is an element of leadership that’s easy to recognize but […]

How To Master Transitions By Pressing The Reset Button

Rob Salafia, an expert on executive presence, explains how to master transitions and become a more effective leader by mentally resetting. “We do on stage things that are supposed to happen off. Which is a kind of integrity, if you look on every exit as being an entrance somewhere else.” — Tom Stoppard One of […]

Listen With Your Eyes

Giving another person your full and undivided attention may seem obvious and not worthy of our consideration as a critical leadership capability. Why then is it so hard for so many of us to achieve on a daily basis? With the barrage of things pulling at our attention, it’s easy to get lost in multitasking […]